copy website online

In this Post, You’re going to learn How to Copy a Website Template or How to Copy Website Online.

When you trying to create any website and don’t know what to do, one thing will definitely come to your mind that starts from here If any website attracted you the most, then you maybe think how can I get this website.

You don’t have knowledge about, It also happens to me, I am telling you the story about Copy a Website.

Before start blogging, I don’t have any knowledge about how to set up a website, domain, hosting anything, at that time I tried to copy a website and with some modification.


I will have a complete website without any hard work, It is working with my another website, I will mention this another day.

The important fact is you can copy any website but knowledge is more important.

I am saying this because one of my friends used HTTrack and copy a website and invest lots of money on hosting & domain.

After someday, he realizes that he doesn’t have the capability to maintain or run a website.

I am just giving you an advice copy website for fun but if you seeing a career on the website, try to create or buy a good website is definitely worth it for you.


After so many searches I found a software that has phenomenal features.

HT TRACK WEBSITE COPIER is a windows software and this software is very effective, fully functional with lots of features about copy websites online, like this software.

You can copy a single web page or if you want this software can copy the whole website.

several pages easily for you and one more thing, this software can only work online.

Note: This software is available for Windows and Linux.
You can download this software free from

How to Copy Website Online

Step 1. Select the destination folder where copied website files will be install.

how to copy a website

Firstly you need to set a destination folder where your copied website files and folder will be install.

Choose a separate folder otherwise merging of different files may cause your confusion.


Step 2. Set a Project name for easy to locate

how to copy a website

 Give a project name for easily you can remember and locate. HTTRACK will create a folder in your directory with your project name.


Step 3. Select “Download website(s)” from the drop-down menu

how to copy a website

After selecting this option, HTTRACK will download all files that existed on the website you want to copy.


Step 4. Enter the website’s URL you want to copy

how to copy a website
Click on add URL as you can see in the picture, enter the website’s URL you want to copy and HTTRACK will start the process of copy the website.


Step 5. The website is copying now

how to copy a website

Once you have entered the URL, you can begin the copying process. This process can take much or less time, depend upon the size of the website.


Step 6. The website is copied successfully

how to copy a website

Your website is copied successfully, now click on “browse mirrored website” see in the picture. Check out your website in your destination folder you’re chosen before.



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